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EngAGE is a nonprofit that takes a whole-person approach to creative and healthy aging by providing arts, wellness, lifelong learning, community building and intergenerational programs to thousands of seniors.

EngAGE programs are provided onsite at NOHO Senior Arts Colony and other senior apartment communities at no cost to the participants.

Programs are taught by college-level professionals across seven strands – wellness, creativity, the Experience Talks radio show, lifelong learning, community, intergenerational and culminating events.

Semester System - our programs are designed like college courses, operating on a semester basis allowing classes and teachers to change and students to advance through different levels of programs, creating and achieving goals for lifelong learning.

Culminating Events - our classes culminate with events, providing students with the opportunity to utilize their newfound skills in real-world applications such as art shows, poetry readings, staged performances, and the Experience Talks radio show.

The program is designed in keeping with the results of the “Creativity and Aging Study: The Impact of Professionally Conducted Cultural Programs on Older Adults” by Gene Cohen, M.D., Ph.D., George Washington University. The study proves the connection between creativity and healthy aging. You can read a synopsis of the study.

To learn more about the organization, please see the EngAGE website.